This week we focused on spooning and tong work. Practicing our spooning and tong work helps toddlers gain control of their fine motor muscles in the hands and wrist. Developing these muscles will later aid in controlling a pencil and with writing. Read More
EC East began our week with painting using a fun medium, corn on the cob! Using this medium introduces a unique texture and pattern in student’s artwork. As a class we went on walk through the Montessori woods and tossed all our shucked corn kernels for the deer and other wildlife. Students also explored grape...Read More
This week our new History lesson stems from the Second Great Lesson, The Coming of Life. In this new unit, students can explore the different eras; Cenozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and more. On the shelf, students can examine works about the Timeline of Life and discover various fossils. Students will match these fossils with their...Read More
This week our new History lesson stems from the Second Great Lesson, The Coming of Life. In this new unit, students can explore the different eras; Cenozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and more. On the shelf, students can examine works about the Timeline of Life and discover various fossils. Students will match these fossils with their eras...Read More
This week we opened up the bead cabinet and introduced our squaring chains. Students first learn how to do this work sensorially and that the square of each numeral 1-10 is the same quantity as its corresponding chain of the square. As they progress with this work, they will add the numerals, allowing them...Read More
This week we completed our study of Native Americans. We will end our unit with a celebration on Monday, November 21st. Students have chosen a tribe to study with a partner for the festivities. Based on their studies, they will create a craft and food for our Lower Elementary students to enjoy. Please take a...Read More
This weeks students started working on a two week long geography project where they construct a market corresponding to nation from around the world. The goal is to learn and better understand the concepts of trade, environmental protections, imports/exports and market design. The lesson is supported with information on national health, culture, and international news....Read More