Early Childhood West


This week we learned about the holiday of Christmas. We embraced the spirit of giving and practical life skills when the children practiced wrapping wooden blocks and gave them to a friend. We also decorated a mini Christmas tree, and learned about the Nativity. For fun art projects, the children used a straw to paint...
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Our class explored many traditions and cultures this week for the Holidays. We studied Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Students put candles in a Menorah, and played the dreidel game as they learned about the eight nights of Hanukkah. They also painted the Star of David at the Easel. Kwanzaa brought us the discovery of the Mancala game...
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Welcome back from Thanksgiving break and Happy December! We began this week with the next Geography on Houses and Homes. We discussed what houses look like all over the world and each friend described what their own homes look like and are made of. Our bell table opened this week as the first bell was...
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We began the week celebrating Miss Brenda’s birthday! Students used our golden bead material to build and discover her age as she traveled around the sun! Many works this week reflected practical life skills leading into our community gathering and feast. These works included silverware sorting, rolling napkins, table setting, using a baster, and folding...
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Early Childhood West began the week discussing Veterans day and read a book about it. In Practical Life this week we began cutting and slicing wooden fruits and vegetables. Lacing boards were also added which prepares for the skill of sewing. Our new Sensorial unit was about big and little. Students explored this vocabulary through...
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The children were so excited to see her! We also introduced a new math unit on fractions! Children learn parts of a whole up to one-fourth. Our first food preparation work was grape plucking. Using hands as our prepared tools first, children plucked grapes off the vine and enjoyed eating them. We used the corn...
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Early Childhood was full of festive fall works this week! We enjoyed drawing a face on a pumpkin, pounding golf tees into a pumpkin, and carving a real pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern! The community decided on what shape eyes, nose, and type of mouth to carve. The parts of a pumpkin were discussed and each...
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In Early Childhood West we painted a pumpkin at the Easel and polished gourds for some fun, seasonal work! Tray sweeping was introduced, a more refined area from floor sweeping to practice care of the environment. Students were able to sweep plastic ants! The first water lesson was also shown; sponge squeezing. Students use both...
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We continued increasing our fine motor skills as pin-punching was added to the pre-writing shelf. This work allows the child to focus on pincer grasp as they pin holes around a shape and then use hands to punch it out. Our new science unit was about land, air, and water. Students also discovered what animals...
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This week we had a lot of work that allowed us to strengthen our fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. These works included transferring pennies into a bank, and using a hammer/mallet to pound tees into clay, foam, corkboard, or playdoh. In writing, students used a marker to write on a mirror. The next dressing...
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