January 12, 2024


  This week, we wrapped up homework project presentations, and they were terrific! So much hard work went into these passion projects. Thank you for all of your help in making our projects a success. Below are pictures and a list of what everyone worked on. Students can begin thinking about their next Homework Projects...
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Our Toddler classroom has been busy working on matching work, learning how to button, and self-care along with more muscle development work.
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We explored the next geography unit on my school this week. Along with having a home community, we discussed how we also have our school community. Children were able to identify and match places in our school and works in our classrooms. They also expressed what they love most about our school. Another science unit...
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This week brought us new Science and Geography units! In science we began investigating magnets and exploring their invisible magnetic attractions. Students could use different works to test magnetism and explored painting with magnetic materials on the art shelf. Our new Geography unit introduced My School and allows the students to explore their place in a learning...
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We have introduced the Tangrams to our students. Tangrams consist of 7 flat polygons, called Tans, that are put together to form shapes. The goal is to copy a pattern given without overlapping the pieces. Puzzles are great brain work. On our Geography shelf, we have extended our biome activities by adding our maps. We...
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We have introduced the Tangrams to our students. Tangrams consist of 7 flat polygons, called Tans, that are put together to form shapes. The goal is to copy a pattern given without overlapping the pieces. Puzzles are great brain work. On our Geography shelf, we have extended our biome activities by adding our maps. We...
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Welcome back from Winter Break! We wasted no time getting back into the swing of things. In History, we are turning our attention to the effects of The War of 1812 and the so-called “Era of Good Feelings” under President Monroe. We are analyzing the reasons for the popularity of the war, the economic boost...
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