It has been wonderful having the students back this week and hearing all about their vacations. Please join me in welcoming a new student to our community: Blake! He is in fourth grade and is excited to be part of our school.
This week, we’ve seen some incredible homework project presentations, including cross-stitching, woodworking, lock-picking, and a deep dive into butterflies. This is a friendly reminder that homework projects are due this Friday, January 10th. Our 6th graders have been hard at work planning a Winter Dance for tonight from 6:00–8:00 PM. They’ve put in an impressive effort, from meeting with administration and booking a DJ to organizing snacks and supplies. We’re so proud of their teamwork! The dance is open to students in grades 3–9 only—no siblings, please. We’re excited to see everyone there!
Don’t forget to join us for Curriculum Night on Thursday, January 16th! This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to share their favorite work with you. Please sign up for one of the following times with us: 6:00–6:40 PM or 6:50–7:30 PM. Thank you for your continued support. We’re excited to be back at school!