December 6, 2024 Lower North

Welcome to December, the month where everything seems to go too quickly.  We have introduced a few new units this week for our students to keep busier than usual.

Our History focus is on the concept of The Fundamental Needs of Humans.  Dr. Maria Montessori believed that all humans share common basic needs which, when met, help open the doors for human freedom, respect, cooperation, and environmental accountability; all of which are crucial for creating civilizations and establishing peace.  The Fundamental Needs of Humans are divided into two categories; Material Needs and Spiritual Needs.  For the next few weeks we will be focusing on the material needs which include: sufficient food, appropriate clothing, shelter, defense and transportation.

Our Zoology studies are moving from invertebrates to vertebrates.  The Fish Unit will allow students to explore and learn about the purpose of each fin, the characteristics of a fish, and learn to recognize different types of fish.  This has always been a favorite unit for many of our students.
While students continue to master the math process and move on to new individualized lessons, we have also introduced a new math unit.  We are learning how to tell time.  This is a unit that comes out every year.  The students are used to reading digital clocks, but the work we have out uses an analog clock.  These are much harder to read.  Activities for our time unit include telling time on the hour and half-hour, telling time to the nearest minute, and finding how much time has passed using a clock.
Have a great weekend!
The Lower Team