March 24, 2023 EC West

Happy Spring! We celebrated the first day of Spring by making dirt pudding with worms! Children helped make chocolate pudding, crushed Oreo cookies, and tonged worms. We also had many new units this week! We are learning about the human body in science and money in math. Human body study includes learning about our organs, skeleton, muscles, and how everything works. Children could use a real stethoscope to listen to their friend’s heartbeat. When working with money, children discover the coins’ names, dollar amounts, and the value of each. They are also exploring different ways to make a dollar. We also added the thin line cards to our geometric cabinet. We added the North America continent box and bead map to our Geography unit as we continued with North America work. In Practical Life, the children swaddled and changed a diaper on a baby doll for the care of others.