We are hoping everyone had an eventful but relaxing Labor Day Weekend. The extra day was well deserved after our two full weeks. The students (and teachers) worked hard.
We closed out our Great Lesson stories with The Fifth Great Lesson: How Numbers Began. The students have really enjoyed these stories. They are meant to spark an interest in what was created before life as we know it existed. Ask your child what they remembered from the stories.
We have begun our small group handwriting lessons. The handwriting lessons give the students a more focused opportunity to practice the correct formation of letters and numbers. Being able to identify and write upper and lowercase letters is an important step toward reading readiness.
Lastly, to kick off the writer’s workshop, students got to decorate their writing folder with pictures they brought in from home. It was fun to see the students engaged in this intro activity. Next week, they will be working on small moment stories along with learning about narrative writing. In addition, students will be reviewing skills regarding writing mechanics, such as capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
The Lower Elementary Team