We began our week with International Day of Peace. Every student participated in making a pinwheel, which they wrote or drew what “peace” means to them. We discussed why this day was declared and participated in a school peace song. Our hope is to continue to spread peace throughout our world.
This week we added to our word study shelf, focusing on punctuation of sentences. Specifically recognizing sentences that are statements and questions. In our classroom, writing is often incorporated as an extension of an activity chosen off the shelf. For this reason a heavy focus is put on sentence structure and handwriting. We have begun our small group handwriting lessons. This gives the students a more focused opportunity to practice correct formation of letters and numbers.
For math we are continuing to individualize lessons. Students are working on processes, facts and geometry. Different types of lines was the Geometry lesson this week. If you have a few minutes in the car or before bed, asking your child to practice a fact table is a great way to have them learn the answer “snap fast.”
We closed out our Great Lesson stories with The Fifth Great Lesson: How Numbers Began. The students have really enjoyed these stories. They are meant to spark an interest in what was created before life as we know it existed. Ask your child what they remembered from the stories.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Jen and Miss Liz