September 25, 2020, EC East

Our week began with celebrating International Day of Peace!  We wore blue as a school community and created Pinwheels for Peace to line our sidewalks.  Thank you for participating in this celebration!  On our Geography shelves, we introduced the Hemisphere puzzle map, introducing the colored continents.  Our first Sensorial unit this year is exploring colors.  Our cohorts switched science units this week, studying either apples and living/non-living, or land, air and water and leaves and trees.

West students were given lessons on the pre-writing boards and geometric solids.  In Practical Life, floor sweeping and table scrubbing works were demonstrated. These lengthen and strengthen concentration, all while teaching valuable life skills.  On the art shelf, cutting paper strips was introduced.
East students explored tracing letters in lentils and painting an apple on the easel.  Practical Life lessons included changing a toilet paper roll and sock rolling.  In writing, our metal inset frames were introduced and our classroom also began handwriting lessons.