The EC students started this week out by collecting peace sticks. Each child finds a stick that represents them. The sticks will be placed in a bundle in our peace corner to represent our classroom community. The children enjoyed painting their peace sticks for this special project.
In Sensorial color box 1 was added to the shelf to learn about the primary colors. Clipping work was added to Practical Life and cutting clay was demonstrated in Art. Cutting clay introduces the children to using scissors.
We also were very excited to open up our science shelf with our first science units! The four science units include apple, leaves and trees, living and non-living, and land/air/water. These science units will be rotated weekly among the cohorts.
We continued moving our bodies by hopping spot to spot! A work found on our movement shelf.
Monday is the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE! Children have started making their “Pinwheels for Peace” this week which we will “plant” outside in the ground to help spread peace around our community. Look for them at car-line! Remember to have your child come to school wearing the color BLUE.