We continued welcoming our friends to our communities this week in Early Childhood. In the Peace area, we added the friendship trees and friendship strings, where children who feel they’ve been peaceful or kind to someone can hang beautiful objects as a representation. We also demonstrated the peaceful way to raise a hand on the line when you’d like to say something or ask a question. Our sand affirmations were also introduced, a peace activity where the children can read positive statements to themselves as they transfer colored sand.
On the art shelf, new collage work was added. The children used our torn paper from last week to create some unique pictures! In Practical Life, opening and closing works were demonstrated. We also gave lessons on zipping, snapping, and twisting. Individual language and math lessons continued this week as well, and the children are already in a wonderful work cycle rhythm. Kindergarten students received their notebooks this week, giving them a space to record daily work! It is so great to be back at school!
Please keep a lookout for information to sign up for SeeSaw, a communication tool for our classrooms!