This week in the Upper West classroom we had a very interesting lesson. We went outside to the field and 2 guest speakers explained about how the Great Black Swamp was in our very field! Upper west and Upper East both split their classrooms into groups and we reenacted travelers coming here. We then headed over to the Black Swamp Preserve and did a very fun scavenger hunt.
We have also had our reading workshop outside everyday! In reading workshop we have been reading different stories then answering questions about the main idea, the characters, and plot. 2 stories we have read so far are “Everything’s Going to be Okay” and “Eleven.” Reading workshop has been very fun and the stories are really good!
One of our history lessons was really cool! It was about how humans left items in this beautiful spot and it showed the progression of humans. It started off with just leaving rocks, then those getting buried, then sharpened rocks, and so on until modern humans come and leave a spoon. It was very intriguing, and it was cool to see how the humans progressed through the times!
In all we have had a very fun and exciting week so far!
Noah E.