October 30, 2020, EC East

We are feeling the spirit of Halloween this week! Students enjoyed many festive activities including drawing a face on a pumpkin, pounding golf tees into a pumpkin, spider web marble art, and a spooky mystery sensory bowl! On Wednesday we celebrated our Harvest Party and carved a jack-o-lantern! The children voted on what shape the eyes, nose and what type of mouth/face they wanted for it! We also baked and tasted pumpkin seeds! As a community we enjoyed a special treat and listened to a special story about Halloween. The children also played one of their favorite games called “Ghost, ghost, Who’s the ghost!?” Fun was had by all. Thank you to all the families who donated pumpkins, treats, and napkins for our celebration. We appreciate you! Thank you for taking the time to meet with us during virtual conferences! We enjoyed sharing your child’s educational journey and accomplishments so far this year!