It is hard to think the 23/24 school year has already come to an end. This time of year is always bitter sweet. We are able to make final memories through these last days of school, however, we also say goodbye to our 3rd year students as they will be moving on to their next adventures.
This week we enjoyed our final days of school with a couple of fun themed days. On Tuesday, we had State Research Day and all the 2nd year students had the opportunity to present their State Research Projects to their classmates. The students were also able to work on state related activities on the geography shelf. On Wednesday, it was Talent Show Day. Students were able to showcase their special talents. In addition, students were able to play games as a classroom community. Lastly, we finished the week by having our annual Community Celebration as a whole school. We started off by closing down the classroom with having our stick bundle celebration and handing out the 3rd year certificates. At the end of the morning, we made our way to Oberhau to kick off the whole school celebration and reminisce this past school year. For lunchtime, we all enjoyed a wonderful picnic lunch out on the school lawn and finished the school day with activity stations.
This school year has been very memorable in many ways. We cannot thank our MSBG community enough for helping to make it such a success! We look forward to another grand school year to come next year. As always, thank you for sharing your children with us. We hope you all have an amazing summer and see you in the fall!
Signing off for now,
Your Lower Elementary Team