March 6, 2020, Upper West

Our classrooms are learning about space, science, botany, and grammar. We started to sit at a table to do our mad minutes instead of doing it at the circle. Then after that we go to the circle and do morning meeting. That is where we say good morning do the pledge of allegiance and ask if  anyone has affirmations or positive healing thoughts to share about people or yourself. We also have a candle. At the end of morning meeting we blow it out. 

On Wednesdays we go into the woods and play games. At indoor recess we go into the p.e. room and play gaga ball. The room in the classroom is really big so we put a big fold-able wall for the different classrooms. We have a writing workshop, which is where you write stories and learn new things. Right now we are writing argument essays. 

We have focus groups, which is where we research different subtopics about different things we want to research like rocks and minerals. At the end we present it to both classrooms and we can do a skit.  We can do a new one each year. We also have a smart board that tells us when we have a lesson and who is doing it and a lot of things change each year.


Scaled distance of our solar system
Scaled size of our solar system