March 29,2019, Toddler

Happy Spring!

Movement is essential for learning in young children! As Maria Montessori studied children and their learning process, she discovered that young children learn not only muscular control by movement, but, also movement is a founding factor in the development of discipline. In our toddler classroom you will find many “built in” movement opportunities! Children have balance, climbing, marching, and other fine and gross motor movement opportunities available every day! As teachers we are aware of the benefits of movement and match our expectations. Our daily work includes finger-plays, movement songs and dancing. Developing small muscle movements happen when children paint with brushes, use crayons, play-dough and work with puzzles.

Children are currently working on new practical life activities such as sponging and flower arranging. Our current Language work includes matching object to picture, half to whole puzzles and picture to picture matching!