March 29, 2024 EC East

This week was all about Spring! Children had the opportunity to refine their polishing skills with our new practical life work- polishing a ceramic bunny. This work allows the child to relax, focus on a process with a clear, concrete outcome, and to experience a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. The practical life curriculum also presented clothes on a hanger, another work that aims to refine concentration and coordination. The continent study of South America was added to the Geography shelf and allowed the children to explore animals, regions and the culture of this continent. A food preparation lesson was provided this week – egg slicing! Children had the opportunity to tong an egg, peel, slice and eat their own hard-boiled egg. This is a wonderful lesson that requires a lot of preparation before eating. We ended the busy week with coloring hard boiled eggs and going on an egg hunt along our playground! We hope you all have a wonderful and safe Spring Break!