While the students continue to master the math process and move on to new individualized lessons, we have also introduced a new math unit. We are learning about fractions. The students enjoy working with our fraction metal insets. They are also investigating fractions with number lines, comparing fractions and equivalencies, story problems, adding/subtracting and reducing fractions. This is one of the students favorite math units.
In history, we concluded our unit on Native Americans and are now learning about presidents. Each year we focus on a few presidents. This year, we are learning more about presidents #1-#19. They are creating timelines, learning facts, locating key words in word searches, writing research papers, and more.
Third year students learned about latitude and longitude lines at their last Imaginary Island lesson. The Imaginary Island Unit allows students to visualize, draw, and write about a make-believe island. Lessons include learning about landforms, water forms, latitude lines, and longitude lines. They also discussed the equator, the prime meridian, the hemispheres, and how to find the coordinates of different places.