January 8, 2021, Lower South

Welcome to 2021! We hope you all enjoyed the break as much as we did. The students came back refreshed and excited to see each other.

We have changed many of our culture shelf units and the children are excited. We are studying birds for Zoology, Biomes for Geography, Circulatory and Respiratory Systems for Science and are continuing with dinosaur research.
For our language curriculum we are studying compound words for word study. The verb was introduced before break and now we are able to form and write sentences for grammar. Younger students are working with an environment, The Farm, to label animals and objects to construct sentences.  Older students will begin sentence analysis.
While students continue to master the math process and move on to new individualized lessons, we have also introduced a new math unit. We are working with money. This is a unit that comes out every year. Students practice naming the coins, knowing the quantities, adding within certain coins, adding within a group of money and eventually learn how to make change.
Have a great weekend.