January 31, 2020, Toddler

It’s hard to believe we have had 100 days of school this year! 100 days of learning, sharing, friendship, exploring and fun in our Toddler Community! Children made a big fish bowl with 100 fish and brought in 100 items from home to create a display.

Practical life work and activities continue to be a large part of our Montessori curriculum. Ella is pictured here placing coins in a slotted box, refining her fine motor skills; David is painting with a roller and Reagan is squishing and kneading playdough. Look at the concentration! Children are able to focus on their chosen work for the length of time that suits them.

We look forward to February and learning more about hearts and friendship building. February 12th will be our Valentine party! Mark your calendars for parent teacher conferences on February 13th or 14th. Please return your conference form soon.

We welcome Mason to our Toddler Community! Mason we are excited to have you here!