Happy 100 days of school! The children enjoyed celebrating with their own 100 items that they brought in and counted! Be sure to check out the creativity on the display tables in the hallway.
This week the Early Childhood classrooms prepared a new food preparation work; juicing an orange! They then poured the juice into a cup and got to drink their orange juice! Both classrooms also continued their North America studies in geography and added the trinomial cube to the Sensorial shelf. This is the fourth and final cube.
The East classroom continued hand transfer by putting pennies in a bank. In the peace corner, they introduced the beautiful sound of the rainstick. The children had fun developing their fine motor skills by writing on a mirror!
The West classroom created a foil painted snowflake print, snowman, art, and begun their crystalized snowflake experiment. The light table was demonstrated as well as lacing in Practical Life.
Reminder to turn in your conference forms by this coming Monday, February 3!