Maria Montessori once said, “What the hand does the mind remembers.” I absolutely love this quote! The Montessori environment is carefully arranged for hands on exploration of many types of materials. Children are free to choose work that is interesting to them, allowing them freedom of movement as well. The peg work pictured is a colorful sensorial work; children place a special peg on the pegboard. Jameson works on stacking and counting wood blocks. Another child is shown cutting wooden fruit with a knife. Our Montessori toddler community is a “buzz” with children working and learning together and at their own pace.
This month we are learning about arctic animals and their habitat. We had the pleasure of Miss Kat visit this week! Miss Kat is from the library. She brought her puppetĀ friend “Mr.Fox”with her and books about the fox. We sang and danced to fun music as well. Thank you Miss Kat!
Looking forward to the 100th day of school next week!