We began our week learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the peacemaker he was. Children read stories about his life and we discussed what it means to “have a dream”. Kindergarten students extended this concept during creative writing. Another important holiday this week included the Chinese New Year. Our students enjoyed a presentation from the Tam family, learning about the customs of this holiday. All of the early childhood students created masks and dragon tails and enjoyed a parade through the entire school.
In the East class, we introduced the cubing chains to the students who were ready and interested. These longer chains provide even more skip-counting opportunities, as well as an introduction to multiplication and cubing. We also added our light table to the classroom and also a new movement activity; using the balance beam. On the art shelf, painting with fluffy “snow” paint was a choice.
In the West class, students were introduced to the rectangle box and the remaining geometric solids in sensorial. On the peace shelf, the beautiful rain stick was demonstrated. Students also enjoyed experimenting with the magnetic slime we made last week!