This week has been busy with history timelines, informational writing, reading, fractions, binomials, least common multiples, and geometry. 6th year students are getting excited about their ideas for their end-of-year trip! They will send out information about their ideas soon!
Next week, we will do Easy CBM testing on Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child has enough rest and eats a good breakfast next week.
New homework project packets will come home on Monday, January 22. Contracts will be due Friday, January 26th. The Halfway deadline is Friday, February 23rd. The final presentation is Friday, March 15th. Please disregard the dates in last week’s note. They are incorrect.
On Thursday, January 25th, our school will host Curriculum Night, where you will be able to visit the classroom with your child(ren) in a 45-minute block of time – either 6:00-6:45 or 7:00-7:45. During this session, your child(ren) will demonstrate what they’ve been working on using the materials in the room. It’s a great way for you to witness firsthand what is happening here at MSBG. Feel free to come and go as you please during this block of time. There will be a sign-up sheet outside our door starting tomorrow afternoon. If you are interested in coming, please sign up for either the 6:00-6:45 or 7:00-7:45 session. Hope to see you there!