We are at our midyear point and we are moving along quickly with new units and lessons. This week we have introduced new work to word study, geography, and math. Our new word study unit is on homonyms. Homonyms are words that sound the same but may be spelled differently and have different meanings. For example the words flour and flower in this sentence: I used flour to make a cookie that looked like a flower.We added our continent wooden biome maps to our biome unit that is currently on the geography shelf. These beautiful maps outline the biomes of a continent by color. Students will be able to trace the puzzle pieces and color each biome accordingly.Finally, in math, we have introduced the money unit. Using real coins, younger students will learn to identify them, learn the value of them, and count the amount of a small group of them. Older students will review these concepts to master and will learn to make change. Counting and ‘playing’ with money is always fun with the work offered.