May 21, 2021, EC East

EC enjoyed the beautiful, sunny weather this week! Our week began out in the gardens planting and watering flowers. Children enjoyed some fun multi-step practical life works this week including grating soap and using the grated soap to then make bubbles with a whisk. In Art, they created bubble prints! Shaving cream on a table was a popular work as well for a creative sensory and cleaning experience! Students also had the opportunity to make a bird feeder out of cheerios to take home and hang outdoors for the birds!

The students in the East classroom explored new movement works including the sit and spin and the balance board. The students in the West classroom added the thin line cards to finish learning about our geometric cabinet. They also got to experience our “going on a picnic” work which encompasses all the grace and courtesy skills from the year as well as table setting with a friend.
***As the weather warms up please remember a change of clothes for warmer weather, water bottles daily (we will take them outside with us on hot days) and sunscreen for your child. Thank you!