Welcome back. We hope that you were all able to stay healthy and enjoy the extended weekend.
The students are continuing to further their learning of Australia, Birds, Muscles and the Months of the Year for the culture units.
During writers workshop time, each level is practicing writing mechanics. We will start our new writing unit soon. We are continuing to introduce and review our parts of speech. So far we have studied the noun, article, adjective, verb and preposition. We have added to our ABC order unit on the word study shelf and the students are learning how to use and navigate through the dictionary.
For math, Fractions are still being explored. Many children are making significant progress with their math facts and individual math lessons are being given as they are mastering processes.
Our school observed the Chinese New Year with a parade given by our Early Childhood friends and lower elementary was gifted a presentation of the holiday by the Tam family.
Have a great weekend!