February 5, 2021, Lower South

We got some snow and the children really enjoyed playing outside. We strongly encourage each child to dress for the weather. We will go outside if the temperature is above 15 degrees. Please help your child to remember snow pants, boots, gloves and to wear socks.

In the classroom we have added a new part of speech to our grammar shelf. We are studying the preposition. Ask your child to give you an example of a preposition.
On our History shelf we have been studying the needs of humans. As the work has progressed and the students have a foundational understanding, they are now working on some more in depth reading and organizing of the Needs of Humans through time. They are discovering how the needs have changed from prehistory to modern times.They are still enjoying the biome maps on the Geography shelf. The Zoology unit will soon be changed. Stay tuned for the next unit;)
Thank you for turning in your conference time requests and questionnaires. We look forward to meeting with you next week.
Have a good weekend