February 25, 2022, EC East

We began our week in EC discussing President’s Day and highlighting some of our famous past Presidents. We read books and had some related coloring pages as well. This week in the East classroom, students matched bells in Sensorial, created beautiful watercolor paintings in art, and polished wood for a new Practical Life work.They also discussed and explored their next Geography unit on “my city!”
The West classroom added the braid board and pouring water to their practical life shelf. Yoga work was demonstrated in movement. The concept of odd and even was introduced in math and the rain stick was a soothing peace work. Story writing was also introduced on the writing shelf.
Our Kindergarteners have started our creative writing curriculum and will begin meeting weekly for writers workshop to learn and discover what being an author means and how to get ideas onto paper.
As a reminder, next week is Montessori Education Week for MSBG! Please look over the schedule for daily spirit-themed activities!