February 19, 2021, Lower South

We want to thank you for taking the time to meet with us last week for conferences.  Remember, if you ever have questions, contact us via email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.  We want to continue to work together to help your child succeed.

The snow storm was an exciting weekend event and we are sure everyone has stories to tell.  We encourage our students to share these stories in Writer’s Workshop as a Small Moment.  As a reminder, we will go outside if the temperature is above 15 degrees.  Please help your child remember the necessary outdoor gear for them to be warm and comfortable during our 20-30 minutes time outside.
There were several changes on our shelves this week to keep our students learning.   We have a Magnet Unit on the Science shelf, Famous African Americans and Presidents Units on the History shelf, and we introduced Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms on the Word Study shelf.  So much to learn, so little time.
Stay safe and warm. Peace.