December 8, 2023 Upper

The dance last Friday was a big success! A huge “thank you” to everyone who donated supplies and Emily and Casey for helping chaperone. Some students shared they were sore from dancing so hard on Friday over the weekend!

This week, students studied river erosion, early hominid types, cilia, types of leaves, face muscles, plurals, independent and subordinate clauses, complete and linking verbs, and spelling. We still have math and geometry to go! Our quail eggs are still incubating, and we have only lost a few so far. We candled them to see if any were duds.  One had that cracked, so we opened it to look at it under the microscope. It was really cool! If you want to check it out, it’s on the microscope in the back of the classroom. Next week, they will begin pipping!
It’s been fun hearing about Homework Projects! If your student is struggling with ideas, please check out the attached form in this week’s email. You will find some helpful suggestions. Students’ halfway check-in write-ups are due this Friday, December 8th. In their red Homework folders are instructions for the write-up.