The month of April is quickly coming to an end and this week the lower elementary teachers and students have been hard at work! Many new units were presented throughout this week. New to our word study shelf is the unit on abbreviations. Though this unit may sometimes be a challenging concept for students to grasp onto, it is still a popular interest. While studying abbreviations children learn how to shorten many words within their vocabulary from names of months, days, types of measurement, and much more.
Another new unit introduced in the elementary classrooms included a review over the Timeline of Life. This history unit stems from knowledge obtained from the Second Great Lesson, The Coming of Life. Students will explore the various eras throughout time from the Cenozoic Era to the Haddean Era. In addition, children will have the opportunity to discover the Clock of Eras including the length of time each of the eras took place.
Lastly, each classroom presented a new science unit. Lower North introduced a unit on teeth. Within this unit students will learn about the parts of the tooth, the different types of teeth, and how to keep teeth healthy. On the other hand, Lower South was able to present the digestive system. This science unit allows for students to explore the parts of the digestive tract within the human body. Additionally, students will dive into learning the process of how food is digested within the body and the different taste buds on the tongue.