April 12, 2019, Lower South

Writers workshop has been enjoyed by many students, a challenge for some and an outlet for others. The students have worked on several different types of writings so far this year. They have written small moments, “how to” stories, “all about” stories and scientific reports.  They have  just started working on opinion and persuasive pieces. We had a publishing party last week where each student chose a finished story, sat in the authors chair and read their piece aloud to the class.
We are exploring contractions for our new word study unit. This unit not only introduces new words, but also a new punctuation mark. Here the students spell the contraction with the movable alphabet  that matches the words on the yellow strip. They are often excited to recognize how many contractions they are familiar with in their readings.
We celebrated Grandparents Week this week at MSBG. It is always a pleasure and a blessing to see the support that our students and our school have from our families. Thank you for taking the time to visit and work with your student.

Have a blessed weekend!  Enjoy the weather.

Miss Jennifer and Miss Mary