April 30, 2021, Upper West

This week in Upper West we got to go into the woods and find something to write about based on what was found. We picked the broken Xbox, a bell, and a really old paint roller. And wrote a story on our theories of how they got there. It was really fun!
Miss Jenifer, the music teacher, talked about other students joining Band.
She talked about beginner instruments, like trumpet, clarinet, flute, and drums. Once you’ve mastered those instruments, you can advance onto more advanced instruments. For example, if you did trumpet, once you mastered that, you could move onto trombone. If you would like to join Band, talk to Miss Jennifer (If you are interested and in 4th grade or over.)
We are continuing to observe the tadpoles that we got last week. There is now a “Mold Garden” in the room for the 4th-year biology unit on Fungi. Also Mother’s Day is coming up soon and we might have a surprise. For those that are in track, we are doing relays outside.
-Juno & Christian