In math, students are working on fractions. They are working on everything from the subtraction of unlike denominators to the multiplication of decimals. In spelling, students are working on homophones. In writing, students are working on research. In history, students have been working on flag symbolism. In science, we are conducting weather experiments. We have...Read More
After coming off a nice three-day weekend, the students were introduced to many new lessons within this short week of school. These new lessons covered units in Grammar, History, and Zoology. In Grammar, students were introduced to a lesson on sentence analysis. Within the Montessori curriculum, sentence analysis allows children to extend their knowledge on...Read More
After coming off a nice three-day weekend, the students were introduced to many new lessons within this short week of school. These new lessons covered units in Grammar, History, and Zoology. In Grammar, students were introduced to a lesson on sentence analysis. Within the Montessori curriculum, sentence analysis allows for children to extend their knowledge...Read More
Our class began exploring time in math! We are learning hours, minutes and how to read digital and analog clocks. In geography, we introduced the next lessons on “Our City”. In sensorial, we demonstrated how to strike a bell and then quickly soften the sound with a damper. These beautiful bells are a foundation...Read More
In math, students are working on fractions. They are working on everything from the subtraction of unlike denominators to the multiplication of decimals. In spelling, students are working on homophones. In writing, students are working on research. In history, students have been working on flag symbolism. In science, we are conducting weather experiments. We have done...Read More
We discussed Martin Luther King Jr this week and how he was a peacemaker. We read stories, talked about his vision he had for the world and how it reflects and affects us today. Kindergartners wrote their own writing pieces on what dreams they have. We introduced new geography and math units this week. Math...Read More