This week we jumped back into our studies for our Math and Language units. Students work with Montessori Materials such as the Large Bead Frame and Peg Board. Three different colors are featured on the Peg Board- green for units, blue for tens, and red for hundreds. Students lay out the pegs to visually...Read More
Welcome to December! We introduced a new math unit that involves money. Students work on identifying all of the coins and paper money. The younger students will practice counting small amounts of coins while students familiar with coins learn how to make change. On our Geography shelf, we have introduced our unit on biomes....Read More
Welcome to December! We introduced a new math unit that covers time. With time, students learn terms such as hour, half past, quarter to, and quarter past. In addition, students gain an understanding of telling time on an analog clock versus a digital clock. This skill remains highly important as they will encounter...Read More
This week we jumped back into our studies for our Math and Language units. Students work with Montessori Materials such as the Large Bead Frame and Peg Board. Three different colors are featured on the Peg Board- green for units, blue for tens, and red for hundreds. Students lay out the pegs to visually...Read More
Our classroom explored new sensory experiences this week with sound on our sensorial shelf. Students explored matching sound cylinders, mystery bags of differing sounds, and using a quiet rug. The quiet rug is a special work in the Montessori classroom where the child practices making silence-which is one of the most challenging movement works...Read More
This week we introduced the Geometric cabinet in sensory to help further identify and explore two-dimensional shapes. Using their tactile senses, students feel and match different varieties of pressure. The triangle box was also introduced in our sensory unit. In practical life, students had the opportunity to polish our large mirror in the classroom....Read More