November 6, 2020


Early Childhood students had a busy week of work!  Our Geography shelves were full of work exploring our place in the world, studying Me, My Home, and My Family.  We begin this unit learning about the uniqueness and diversity of pets, homes and families around the world.  In math, we continued studying fractions and greater...
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The beautiful pink tower! The pink tower is one of our favorite sensorial materials! Children learn the language of “cube”, big, little and discriminating differences in dimension. The aim of the pink tower is to refine a child’s visual sense of dimension and voluntary movement. The pink tower is scientifically designed to enable children to...
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We would like to extend our gratitude for all of you who took the time to virtually meet with us last week.  It is very important to make sure we communicate and share information about your children.  Your child’s progress report is available on My BackPack if you still need to access it. Our History...
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After a fun week of camp, we have are back to work! We’ve had different lessons on multiples and divisibility for math. We also started sentence analysis this week! This is like a fun word puzzle where we have to analyze each part of the sentence. Mr. Dave did another lesson on human’s closest relative...
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This week in Upper West we started literature circles. Each of us chose the novel we wanted to read for the next 5 weeks. Then we determined how many pages to read each week. We chose a role to focus on, such as “Discussion Director,” “Character Captain,” and “Savvy Summarizer.” The book choices were Tales...
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Early Childhood students had a busy week of work!  Our Geography shelves were full of work exploring our place in the world, studying Me, My Home, and My Family.  We begin this unit learning about the uniqueness and diversity of pets, homes and families around the world.  We also introduced voting to the students!  We...
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We would like to extend our gratitude for all of you who took the time to virtually meet with us last week.  It is very important to make sure we communicate and share information about your children.  Your child’s progress report is available on My BackPack if you still need to access it. Our History...
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Cycle 2 is starting! Our theme for this cycle is Transformation. We will be discussing the Earth, its development and transformative properties. We will be discussing the human body, its development and transformative properties. We will be reading literature that emphasizes the human ability to reason and adapt. We will be discussing government, its lasting...
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