The upcoming three day weekend will be well deserved for both students and teachers. It has been a very busy week! In order to reach normalization in the classroom there is much orientation going on. Students have been taking in an immense amount of information regarding the routine in the classroom as well as expectations...Read More
Our first full week of school has brought many new works and exciting activities! Specials started this week for the students including music, Spanish, Kindergarten Art, and Kindergarten P.E! More areas of the classrooms were opened and introduced including our Peace Corner, Sensorial area, and the movement shelf. Within the Peace corner, the peace rose...Read More
Our first full week of school has brought many new works and exciting activities! Specials started this week for the students including music, spanish, Kindergarten Art, and Kindergarten P.E! More areas of the classrooms were opened and introduced including our Peace Corner, Sensorial area, and the movement shelf. Within the Peace corner, the peace rose...Read More
Fantastic week! Children are getting the routine down and are starting to focus on their work! We have enjoyed many activities outside such as ball toss, straining, pouring and scooping! The new sandbox and climber in the garden have been a big hit! In the classroom we explored water colors and painting at the easel!...Read More
The upcoming three day weekend will be well deserved for both students and teachers. It has been a very busy week! In order to reach normalization in the classroom there is much orientation going on. Students have been taking in an immense amount of information regarding the routine in the classroom as well as expectations...Read More
Today Miss Deb taught the class about the Clock of Eons lesson. We learned that in Montessori the teachers put the Clock of Eons into an hour starting with the Hadrian period. On Tuesday we made a map of a replica of the school. We also went into the woods and added cool things to...Read More
So far this year, our class has been wading hip-deep into the Exploration of the Americas by European Nations and the long-term affects of the Age of Exploration. We are also playing with Newton’s Laws of Motion, Energy, Force, Work and the relationships between those scientific concepts. But you aren’t here to read about that....Read More
The New Montessori Way – At MSBG we have always been different from the other schools because Maria Montessori wanted children to learn in a nice environment. But we’ve had to change that because of the Coronavirus. We now wear masks and stay six feet apart. That has changed how we are learning. But we...Read More