Although our time this year is limited, we are keeping busy with new lessons and completing tasks. This week our new lessons included the introduction of contractions for word study and story problems for math work. Often times our students use contractions in their writing and learning the placement of the apostrophe and correct spelling is important. The story problems will help the students review processes that they have learned throughout the year. They will have the opportunity to work abstractly or with the materials.
For some fun and entertainment this week, the students attended a couple presentations. On Tuesday, we welcomed Mr. Mike McMaster from the Wood County Historical Museum. He shared his expertise and knowledge on the Native Americans of Northwest Ohio. His slide presentation showed us some `primary sources’ from his collection that were beautiful and informative. On Wednesday, we were entertained by each other at our Spring Music Informance.
Our goal this next week is to complete ongoing projects. The third year students are diligently working on completing their year long Imaginary Island Project. The goal is to complete them and present them next week. The second year students are working on completing their state research. They will also present them next week. It is a busy time of year and we look forward to sharing all of what we have done.