February 4, 2022, Lower South

We can not believe it is February already. This school year is flying and the students are busy. We are preparing and looking forward to conferences with you in the next couple of weeks. This is a great time to discuss your child’s progress as well as any questions or concerns that you may have.

In the classroom we have introduced new culture units. The students in Lower South are studying North America, while Lower North is learning about Africa for Geography. The new Science unit for the Lower South is Weather/Air and Wind. Lower North is focused on the Water Cycle.
Our language shelves continue to offer students work in Spelling and Grammar that they progress at an individual pace. Our Word Study shelf offers work on Synonyms and practice for adding quotes and punctuation for Writing Mechanics.
Our Math shelves operate very much like Language with independent progress in Math Processes and Fact work. Our new Math Unit is Estimation and Rounding in the units, tens, hundreds and thousands.
Enjoy the snow. Be safe and have a great weekend.